
A:If your order is not paid, you can find the order that you want to cancel under "My Oders" menu. Click the "cancel the order" link in the order and you will cancel your order successfully. If you need to cancel or change your order, Please contact our customer service for assistance.

A:You can click "cancel the order " button under "My Orders " menu to cancel your unpaid orders. And submit a new order. For orders unpaid or have been transferred or orders that have paid and need to be changed, please contact customer service for processing. If your order goods have been shipped, you can’t make any changes to your order.

A:After one order is canceled, it can’t be recovered, you need to choose products and submit order again.

A:Your multiple orders can be shipped together. But you must fill in the same shipping address for every order, and give clear indication in note of every order what orders you want to combined. Of course, you can also make your order shipment in batches. Any problems in shipments, Please contact customer service for best shipment suggestion and solution.

A:Appearing this kind of circumstance, please contact customer service on the our platform immediately. Zhaoen will reissue the goods, you can also choose to return. For direct loss caused by this, Zhaoen will give customers some compensation.

A:It generally takes about 5 working days after the financial audit to return the order refund to your Balance.

A:If goods are returned for your personal reasons such as you are not satisfied with the good, you will share the freight that goods sent back to you cost. If goods are returned for its quality problems, you will pay for the freight beforehand, Zhaoen will return the freight to you after receiving your goods and checking.


A:As long as the goods haven't shipment, you can contact our customer service staff to help modify .As long as your goods haven’t been shipped, you can contact our customer service for modification.

A:2-3 days for Asia, 3 to 5 days for North America and Europe , 4-7 days for South America.

A:Zhaoen takes effective protection measures verified for many times to gurantee the commodity packaging in good condition in the process of storage and transportation, so you don’t have to worry about it.

A:You need customs clearance whether you are out of the customs or into the customs. Zhaoen will assume the cost for Outbound customs declaration of commodity within Chinese territory. If your package need to be paid tariffs in the process of import customs clearance , it’s none of Zhaoen ’s business and you should assume it. In particular, there is no need for customers to pay tariff for your general civil parcel. But for commercial packages, customers usually need to pay a certain amount of tariffs. The weight of package is one of the important bases to judge your pakage belonging to general civil parcel or commercial packages for the customs in different countries. The package whose weight is more than 20kg is quite possibly regarded as commercial package, so it is recommended that package with weight more than 20kg send separately. Because the Customs tariff standards vary in different countries, it is better for you to know the local customs tax.

A:There are many reasons why the goods haven’t been received. 1.One is because of customs clearance, usually the lo istics company will inform you of customs clearance in such case. 2. That customers provide the wrong contact information or other reasons cause that the logistics company can’t get in touch with you, so they can’t do customs clearance. 3. Time-delay is generated by the local customs’s special checking for certain goods. 4. Your goods are detained by customs, the local customs will show the buckle goods notice. Zhaoen has professional staff to track the logistics status. Once there is an exception in logistics,Zhaoen will contact with you to deal with it.

A:If your goods are detained by customs, you should verify the reason and assist customs clearance. Zhaoen will bear the loss that is not caused by your mistake. And Zhaoen only takes charge of the direct loss, exclude the indirect costs caused by your goods.


A:The commodity prices on Zhaoen is only the prices of goods and don’t include any taxes and freight. According to the regulation of local customs, you may need to Pay the tariff. The civil parcel whose weight is less than 20kg is duty free according to the customs convention around the world. You can check the local customs provisions for details.

A:Zhaoen provides goods with higher quality than the same industry to customers. Company’s business strategery is to provide the maximum profit to customers and grow together with customers, maintaining low profits for a long time. Zhaoen maintain the gross margin of 1%-10% according to the different characteristics of goods. What Zhaoen pays attention to is the long-term cooperation with customers, regardless of the short-term profit and without price adjustment. Therefore, wether customers’s orders are large or small, you can enjoy preferential prices marked on Zhaoen.

A:Due to the frequent fluctuations of the market price, your order price’s adjustment after submitting order belongs to the normal phenomenon. in order to guarantee your interests, It’s not allowed to make any changes in your order. The price fluctuates along with the market situation. It is either benefit to you or be bad for you. Once you pay for your order, the contract will take effect. And the order price will not change as market price changes.

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